Email Marketing Services

The Agency with Top Email Marketing Services.

SeeResponse is a full-service email marketing agency focused on using email marketing as a growth strategy for our clients. We work hand in hand with your in-house team to ensure you can leverage the strengths of both sides, innovate, and continue to grow. Ride on our expertise and knowledge to discover new ways of expanding your software and internet business.

We believe in delivering results and building long-term partnerships with our clients. At SeeResponse, we’re all about transparency, open lines of communication, and constantly striving to improve. This ensures that we’re on the same page as you and adapt to your changing needs every step of the way. With SeeResponse, you can trust that your email marketing efforts are always fresh and effective.

SeeResponse is one of the top email marketing companies in the United States. We are proud to be recognized by Clutch as a Market Leader in the Email Marketing category on their Leaders Matrix.

How to approach Email marketing? Do it right. Do it with the best.

We specialize in delivering successful email campaigns for SaaS startups – campaigns that engage prospects, drive traffic and sales, and retain customers. We don’t just execute email programs; we bring innovation to your email marketing and provide strategic recommendations to turn it into a revenue-generating channel for your business. By constantly monitoring industry trends, consumer behaviors, and emerging technologies, we tailor our strategies to ensure maximum effectiveness for SaaS startups.



What’s included in our Email Marketing Services?

SeeResponse is an email marketing company that manages end-to-end operations for SaaS companies. As your email marketing consultant, we develop campaigns that engage your audience and customers. Our hands-on team works with you to improve and expand your email channel through segmentation, personalization, and advanced targeting. We stay ahead of the latest trends, technologies, and privacy laws to build scalable email campaigns. Our services include strategy, automation, fulfillment, and reporting. We also offer comprehensive training and support, ensuring your team has the tools and knowledge to excel in email marketing and achieve your goals.

Why choose SeeResponse over others to avail of Email Marketing Services?

We’ll make sure together we can accomplish extensive campaign creation plans and data management processes across all your marketing systems and produce integrated, cross-channel marketing campaigns using the marketing cloud of your choice. Work with our team of email marketing specialists to create all kinds of campaigns: welcome automation, cart abandonment, marketing promo messages, cold email campaigns, prospect marketing campaigns, customer win-back campaigns, and more. Our focus is an approach that’s centered around driving results and outcomes coupled with marketing automation, email best practices, and metrics-driven thinking. Whether you’re targeting specific segments, experimenting with new messaging, or adjusting strategies based on performance data, our team is here to support you every step.

Our email marketing specialists work with you to build email programs that have a significant impact on your revenue.

We put a considerable focus on list quality when we do our list pulls and segmentation for email marketing — through a process that’s uncomplicated yet refined. Our team also helps you manage the Email Service Provider (ESP) relationships and your email marketing budget. Our creative and dynamic email marketing team runs targeted email campaigns for your customer segments, and by working with our designers and developers, you get to create emails that are responsive, beautiful, and high-performing. At the same time, we ensure all your emails are successfully rendered for all types of users and browsers. Our email marketing consultants help you design and develop emails using HTML, CSS, and proprietary scripting languages based on the requirements and provide recommendations for campaign optimization. We work on the day-to-day execution of your email programs, administration, reporting, and optimization of the email campaigns across the entire buyer journey of your target customers. This comprehensive approach ensures that your email marketing efforts are seamlessly integrated into your overall marketing strategy, driving meaningful engagement and conversions at every touchpoint.

Email Marketing Agency that’s driven by MarTech

MarTech is the driving force behind all our campaigns, and thus, as an email marketing agency, we put a disproportionate focus on it. Our team has deep experience running email campaigns with various email software and tech stacks, including HubSpot, SendGrid, MailChimpActiveCampaign, Campaign Monitor, SendinBlue, Aweber, and more. Product launches, client engagement, automated drip campaigns, and newsletters are some of the many email programs that we run and manage for our customers. We continuously stay abreast of the latest advancements and updates in the MarTech landscape to ensure we always utilize the most cutting-edge tools and techniques. This proactive approach allows us to meet and exceed our client’s expectations, delivering impactful results that drive business growth. Developing and optimizing email marketing programs is our team’s passion, and this passion makes us one of the best providers out there and an industry leader in this space.


Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to generate qualified leads. But for great email marketing, you need a high-quality copy — well informed with the right voice. A great B2B email is simple, readable, highly personalized, and speaks to its audience. It should also create a sense of urgency and has a clear and concise call to action (CTA).

Email marketing tools are the software or apps that marketers use for email marketing. They allow for campaign planning, delivery, and reporting. Some popular email marketing tools are ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, SendGrid, Aweber, Drip, and HubSpot.

An email marketing agency is a company that provides services to help businesses effectively use email as a marketing tool. They offer various services, including campaign strategy and planning, list management and segmentation, creative design and copywriting, and the implementation and management of automated email campaigns. Their goal is to help businesses maximize the impact of their email marketing efforts, improve engagement with their audience, and drive desired outcomes such as increased sales or brand awareness.

More than half of the world’s population were active email users globally in 2022. By the end of 2026, it is projected to exceed 4.7 billion. This vast user base emphasizes the wide reach and potential audience that businesses can tap into through email marketing campaigns, further driving the demand for email marketing services and software solutions.

The cost of hiring someone for email marketing can vary depending on their expertise, the services provided, and the size of your email list. On average, businesses can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2500 monthly for basic email marketing services, including tasks like email copywriting, list management, campaign management, and analytics. If you have a larger email list, you may need to budget more to accommodate the increased volume of emails and additional features.

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending commercial messages or informative content to a group of people via email. These emails typically aim to promote a product, service, or brand, build customer loyalty, drive sales, or provide valuable information to subscribers.

Absolutely! Email marketing is a highly effective strategy for businesses to connect with their audience, promote products or services, and drive sales. Its cost-effectiveness, high return on investment, and ability to deliver targeted, personalized messages make it a powerful tool in any marketer’s arsenal. Email marketing lets businesses directly engage with their subscribers, track campaign performance with detailed analytics, and build long-term customer relationships. By adhering to best practices and continuously optimizing campaigns, businesses can leverage the full potential of email marketing to achieve their marketing goals.

Effective email marketing requires careful planning and execution to achieve desired results. Some critical mistakes to avoid include sending emails without permission, neglecting mobile optimization, overlooking segmentation, using poorly crafted subject lines, neglecting email personalization, sending too many emails, ignoring email analytics, and lacking clear calls-to-action. By staying mindful of these pitfalls and continuously refining your approach, you can enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts and drive better results for your business.

The CAN-SPAM Act, which stands for Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act, is a law enacted in the United States to regulate commercial email messages. According to the CAN-SPAM Act, businesses must adhere to several vital commercial email guidelines. These include providing recipients with a clear and conspicuous way to opt out of receiving future emails, honoring opt-out requests promptly, including accurate header information and subject lines, disclosing that the email is an advertisement, and including a valid physical postal address. The CAN-SPAM Act prohibits the use of deceptive subject lines and email content and the use of harvested email addresses or misleading header information. Non-compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act can result in significant fines and penalties. Therefore, it’s essential for businesses engaged in email marketing to understand and comply with the requirements outlined in the law.

Email marketing is still incredibly relevant and practical in today’s digital landscape. Email remains a primary means of communication for most people, including professionals and consumers. Email marketing offers several advantages, including direct communication with subscribers, high return on investment, personalization capabilities, automation features, measurable results, relationship-building opportunities, and versatility in campaign objectives. With careful planning and execution, businesses can leverage email marketing to reach their target audience effectively, drive engagement, and achieve their marketing goals.

A 30% open rate can be considered good for email marketing. Still, its effectiveness ultimately depends on various factors, including your industry, target audience, and the specific goals of your email campaigns.

Generally, a 30% open rate is above average, indicating that many of your subscribers are engaging with your emails by opening them. However, what constitutes a “good” open rate can vary widely across different industries and niches. Some industries naturally have higher open rates due to factors like audience engagement or the nature of the content being sent.

Yes, email marketing continues to be highly profitable for businesses of all sizes. With its high return on investment (ROI), direct communication with subscribers, personalized messaging capabilities, automation features, and measurable results, email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels. Businesses can drive sales, increase brand awareness, and foster long-term customer relationships by leveraging email marketing to reach and engage with their audience. With careful planning, strategic execution, and continuous optimization, email marketing can deliver significant returns on investment for businesses seeking to grow and succeed in the digital marketplace.

Email marketing is a crucial tool for small businesses. It offers cost-effective communication, direct customer engagement, increased brand awareness, measurable results, and targeted marketing capabilities. Email marketing can significantly boost a business’s success by nurturing customer relationships, driving sales, and enhancing brand loyalty.

The best hours for email marketing can vary depending on your audience and industry. However, some general guidelines suggest that the optimal times for sending emails are typically mid-week, between Tuesday and Thursday, and during specific time slots, such as early morning (around 8-10 AM) or late afternoon (around 4-6 PM). These times tend to coincide with when people are more likely to check their emails at the beginning or end of their workday.

The four primary types of email marketing are:

  1. Promotional Emails: These emails are focused on promoting products, services, or special offers. They aim to drive sales and conversions by showcasing discounts, new arrivals, or limited-time deals.
  2. Transactional Emails: Transactional emails are triggered by a user’s interaction with your website or app. Examples include order confirmations, shipping notifications, password resets, and account updates. While primarily informational, they also provide opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.
  3. Educational Emails: Educational emails provide valuable content to subscribers, such as how-to guides, tips, industry news, or informative articles. They aim to establish your business as an authority in your niche and nurture relationships with your audience.
  4. Relationship-Building Emails: These emails focus on building and maintaining relationships with subscribers. They may include welcome emails for new subscribers, thank-you emails for purchases or sign-ups, and re-engagement emails to reconnect with inactive subscribers. Relationship-building emails aim to foster trust and loyalty with your audience over time.

The 12-second email rule refers to the limited window to capture the recipient’s attention and encourage them to open and engage with your email. Studies have shown that people typically spend about 12 seconds or less scanning an email before deciding whether to open it, delete it, or move on to the following message.

To make the most of these precious seconds, it’s essential to create compelling subject lines and preview text that quickly conveys the value or relevance of the email’s content. Additionally, concise and visually appealing email designs and clear and compelling call-to-action buttons can help capture the recipient’s interest and encourage them to take action.

By adhering to the 12-second rule, businesses can increase the chances of their emails being opened, read, and acted upon by their target audience.

The “father of email” is often attributed to Ray Tomlinson. In 1971, while working as a computer engineer at Bolt, Beranek, and Newman (BBN), Tomlinson made a significant contribution to the development of email by implementing the first system for sending messages between computers using the “@” symbol to separate the user’s name from the computer’s name. This innovation laid the groundwork for the modern email system that we use today. Tomlinson’s work revolutionized communication and earned him the title of the “father of email.

Not at all. Email marketing remains a vital business strategy despite the rise of various digital marketing channels. Here’s why:

  • Email marketing offers direct access to your audience’s inbox, ensuring your messages reach them reliably.
  • Personalization tools allow businesses to tailor emails to individual subscribers, boosting engagement and conversion rates.
  • It consistently delivers a high return on investment (ROI), making it cost-effective for businesses.
  • Automation features streamline campaign management, enabling efficient and targeted messaging.
  • Detailed analytics provide valuable insights, helping refine strategies for better results.
  • Email marketing integrates seamlessly with other marketing efforts, creating a cohesive strategy.

Email marketing is far from dying—it’s a powerful tool for engaging audiences and achieving marketing goals.

Not just an Email Marketing Agency. But an Email Evangelist.

When you work with SeeResponse, you work with an email marketing thought leader. That’s because of our strong understanding of modern email communication practices, our best-in-class email services, our team’s hands-on experience with all major email software, and our knowledge of the various email regulations, including the CAN-SPAM Act. But above all, it’s our passion and ability to create robust email programs that work every time for all kinds of businesses — big or small. Though we strive for campaign effectiveness and efficiency, in principle, we are in the business of building strong, long-lasting relationships over emails. Our dedication to staying ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving email marketing landscape sets us apart. We continuously invest in research and development to explore new strategies, tactics, and technologies that can further enhance the impact of our clients’ email campaigns. This approach ensures that our clients benefit from the latest innovations and remain ahead of their competition in the email marketing arena.

Our Email Marketing Services

  • Email Strategy Development
  • Email Marketing Software Setup
  • Email Creative, HTML & Responsive Design
  • Email Built
  • List Segmentation
  • Campaign Creation & Delivery
  • Editorial Calendar Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Marketing Automation Setup
  • Custom Reporting & Optimization Recommendations

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