Mukesh K. Singhmar

Mukesh K. Singhmar / February 06, 2019

Get More Bang for Less Buck with Inbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing

In a world where people are becoming increasingly intolerant of sales pitches, inbound marketing is one of the best ways to generate leads and turn them into customers.

Inbound marketing means attracting customers through creating useful and informative content. Content is the core of inbound marketing. By content, I mean creating meaningful and valuable content, not just anything to post on your website.

It does not matter whether you are doing promotions on social media or are writing blogs unless you have content that would be helpful for the audience you want to attract.

Inbound Marketing

Marketers usually face similar problems:

  • Not getting enough traffic
  • Content not helping produce any leads
  • Getting leads that are not a good fit

So, what do you need to do, or what are you doing wrong that your tactics are not working as you thought they would?

The answer to these questions revolves again around content. Maybe you need to create more content or change the way you present it online.

First things first

Ask yourself what kind of leads you want to generate and what audience you want to attract. You need to be sure about what you do and what kind of people you can help through your work. Your website or pages on other social media platforms should specify your work.

The content on your website should provide a clear picture of your work or product and who you are for anyone visiting it. There should be no scope for confusion when it comes to defining your business because if you know what you are selling, the visitors will also know whether you’ll help them.

Attracting the wrong leads will only waste your time, and nobody wants that. Your content should have relevant keywords so potential customers can easily find you. Keywords are an important aspect of creating valuable content, so you must pay special attention to this detail.

Focus on your USP

Other than clarity, you need to focus on your unique selling point. What does your brand provide that other rival businesses can’t? There’s so much competition outside; surely you don’t want to blend in with the rest of them, right?

You need to stand out; for that, you should be aware of what makes you different from others in your business. If you can’t find anything that will make you stand out, you definitely need to up your game and put in more effort to provide your leads with something that others can’t.

Unique selling point

Now that you know how to present yourself better through your content, you might be creating a lot of it to publish on different platforms. The next step should be taken from the buyers’ side, right? But sometimes, that also gets problematic because of how you might approach content creation.

Enter content strategy

Do you have a lot of content being put online, but despite all that effort, you are not generating enough leads? The option here is to change your content strategy. Find more interactive ways to put out content so potential leads find it hard not to give you a chance. Maybe trying to reach people through extensive and long ebooks is not right now.

There’s a severe lack of time in almost everybody’s life, so they probably won’t read your 20-25-page ebook. You might not read something bulky and long for the last 6 months. Some other options include spreading your word through videos, surveys, quizzes, etc. These interactive and creative ways will make your content more consumable and increase the traffic that gets to your website.

While making a video or going for other options may seem more complicated than writing a blog, you’ll find that it’s easier than you think, and when you see that people are engaging more with your business, all the effort will be worthwhile.

The surveys and quizzes you’ll conduct online will also give you an idea about the type of people interested in your business. You will be able to know more about what these potential clients want from you and how they expect you to help them, which will help you know what you need to do to convert your leads into customers.

Marketing Survey

Considering what the personas want is a key ingredient to creating irresistible content. You will only help any person if you provide the service they are looking for. Also, by knowing about the personas, you can structure your content around them and based on how they want to be helped. This will generate more leads for you.

Now that you might be getting more leads and working towards converting them into customers and prospects, you might need to check out your competition and think about ways to beat whoever is at the top of the business. That could only be done by creating more valuable content in a more consumable way than them.

Creating good, engaging, interactive content is difficult. There are so many things to pay attention to, and let’s face it, you can’t be expected to do everything on your own. So, there are a lot of tools online that you can use to check whether you are doing everything right or not.

Tools for stuff like A/B testing, keywords, buttons for notifications for different things, etc. These tools will provide accurate stats for all the input that you put in and all the output that you get.

With these inbound Marketing techniques, you can improve your business performance without spending a fortune on marketing.


Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

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