What is a URL?

This is short for Uniform Resource Locator. I honestly didn’t know that before writing this definition. This is the address of a piece of information that can be found on the web, such as a page, image, or document (ex. http://www.huspot.com). URLs are important for on-page SEO, as search engines scour the included text when mining for keywords. If a keyword you want to get indexed for is in the URL, you get brownie points from search engines (but no real brownies, unfortunately).


Consider the URL:

In this example:

  1. Protocol: “https://” indicates the communication protocol, which in this case is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.
  2. Domain Name: “www.example.com” specifies the website’s domain where the resource is hosted.
  3. Path: “/blog/article1” denotes the specific location or path to the resource on the website, such as a blog post titled “article1”.

This URL directs users to the specified web page within the “example.com” domain.

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