What is Responsive Design?

This is the practice of developing a website that adapts accordingly to how someone is viewing it. Instead of building a separate, distinct website for each specific device it could be viewed on, the site recognizes the device that your visitor is using and automatically generates a page that is responsive to the device the content is being viewed on — making websites always appear optimized for screens of any dimension.


Suppose a company launches a new website for its online store using responsive design principles. When users access the website on different devices, such as a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone, the layout automatically adjusts to fit the screen size and resolution.

For instance, on a desktop computer, the website may display multiple columns with detailed product information and images arranged side by side. However, when accessed on a smartphone, the website reorganizes the content into a single-column layout with larger fonts, simplified navigation menus, and optimized images for smaller screens.

By implementing responsive design, the website ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience across all devices, eliminating the need for separate mobile versions and improving accessibility for users on the go.

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