What is Redirect?

Redirects send users to a web page different from the one they requested with a URL. They also send readers to a new page if the content has been moved or an older page has been deleted. This helps prevent 404 errors. They can also allow people to type in short, easy-to-remember URLs rather than complicated URLs with many slashes and hyphens.


Suppose a website undergoes a redesign, and the URL structure of certain pages is modified. To ensure that visitors who attempt to access the old URLs are directed to the corresponding new pages, the website implements redirects. For instance, if the old URL for a product page is “www.example.com/product1” and the new URL is “www.example.com/products/product1,” a redirect is set up so that anyone who tries to access the old URL is automatically forwarded to the new one. This ensures a seamless user experience and prevents users from encountering broken links or error pages.

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