What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual social network typically used by e-commerce marketers, but not without its fair share of top-notch B2B and B2C content marketers. Businesses and consumers alike use the website to post images and photos they like so fellow users can repin (share) that content.


Suppose a user is planning a home renovation project. They can use Pinterest to search for ideas by entering keywords like “modern kitchen design” or “DIY home decor.” Pinterest will then display a feed of relevant pins, including images of kitchen designs, decor inspiration, and step-by-step tutorials.

The user can save the pins they like to their personal boards, such as a “Kitchen Renovation Ideas” board, for easy reference later. They can also follow other users or brands with similar interests to discover more inspiration and ideas.

In this example, Pinterest serves as a visual search engine and inspiration platform, helping users discover and save ideas for their projects, hobbies, and interests.

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