What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site launched in May 2003. It is mainly used for professional networking. Nowadays, with more than 414 million registered members, LinkedIn is the most popular social network for professionals and one of the top social networks overall. Getting on the platform, developing a complete profile, and networking have helped many job seekers find work.


John, a marketing professional, uses LinkedIn to build his professional network and showcase his expertise in digital marketing. He creates a LinkedIn profile detailing his work experience, skills, and education. John connects with colleagues, industry peers, and potential employers on LinkedIn.

As part of his LinkedIn activity, John regularly shares insightful articles and updates on digital marketing trends, attends virtual networking events, and engages with posts from his connections. Through LinkedIn, John establishes himself as a thought leader and expands his professional network.

Additionally, John utilizes LinkedIn to search for jobs and career advancement opportunities. He follows relevant companies, monitors job postings, and reaches out to recruiters and hiring managers. Eventually, John lands a new job opportunity through a connection he made on LinkedIn.

In this example, LinkedIn serves as a valuable platform for John to enhance his professional presence, connect with industry professionals, and advance his career in digital marketing.

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