What is a Form?

The place where your page visitors will supply information in exchange for your offer. It also shows how those visitors can convert into precious sales leads. As a best practice, only ask for information you need from your leads to follow up with and qualify them effectively. (Read this post to learn what you should and shouldn’t ask on your landing page forms.)


Imagine you’re applying for a job online, and the application process requires you to fill out a form with your personal information, education, work experience, and other relevant details. The form may look something like this:

Job Application Form

Personal Information:
– Full Name: [John Doe]
– Email Address: [johndoe@email.com]
– Phone Number: [123-456-7890]
– Address: [123 Main St, City, State, Zip]

– Highest Level of Education: [Bachelor’s Degree]
– School/University: [University of XYZ]
– Major/Field of Study: [Computer Science]
– Graduation Year: [2020]

Work Experience:
– Current or Most Recent Job Title: [Software Engineer]
– Company Name: [ABC Technologies]
– Start Date: [January 2018]
– End Date (if applicable): [Present]
– Responsibilities: [Developing web applications, collaborating with cross-functional teams, etc.]

Additional Information:
– Are you legally authorized to work in the United States? [Yes]
– Are you willing to relocate for this position? [No]
– Do you have any certifications or relevant skills? [Certified Scrum Master, proficiency in Python, etc.]

Submit Button

In this example, the form is structured into Personal Information, Education, Work Experience, and Additional Information. Each section contains fields where applicants can input information or make selections.

Once the applicant fills out all the required fields and completes the form, they can submit it by clicking the Submit button. The information provided in the form is then processed by the recipient, such as a hiring manager or human resources department, for review and consideration in the job application process.

Forms are commonly used in various contexts, including online applications, surveys, registration forms, order forms, and contact forms, to collect information from users efficiently and accurately.

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