What is Email Automation?

Predefined rules trigger email messages based on customers’ specific actions. Some examples include a welcome email sent when a customer signs up for a mailing list or a quick reminder that the customer placed something in their cart but never finished checking out. Email automation takes repetitive tasks off your to-do list to free up your time for other valuable tasks, such as responding to customer questions. It can help customers learn more about your brand, encourage them to keep coming back or remind them why they bought from you in the first place.


Here’s an example of email automation:

Imagine you run an e-commerce store selling clothing and accessories. You set up an email automation workflow to welcome new subscribers and encourage them to make their first purchase.

  1. Welcome Email: When someone subscribes to your email list, they receive a welcome email immediately after signing up. The welcome email thanks them for subscribing and introduces them to your brand, products, and services. It may also include a unique discount code as a token of appreciation.
  2. Abandoned Cart Email: If subscribers add items to their shopping cart but don’t complete the purchase, they receive an automated abandoned cart email after a certain period (e.g., 24 hours). The email reminds them about the items left in their cart, highlights their benefits, and encourages them to complete the purchase. It may also offer a discount or free shipping to incentivize conversion.
  3. Product Recommendation Email: Based on the subscriber’s browsing history and past purchases, they receive personalized product recommendation emails showcasing items they might be interested in. For example, if a subscriber recently bought a pair of shoes, they might receive an email featuring complementary accessories like handbags or socks.
  4. Post-Purchase Follow-Up Email: After a subscriber makes a purchase, they receive a post-purchase follow-up email thanking them for their order and providing additional information or support. The email may include related product recommendations, tips for using the purchased items, or an invitation to join a loyalty program.

By implementing email automation, the e-commerce store can engage subscribers throughout their customer journey, nurture leads, and drive conversions effectively without manual intervention. Email automation enables businesses to deliver timely, relevant, and personalized communications to their audience, ultimately increasing engagement, retention, and revenue.

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