What is Alt Text?

Text that shows in place of images or pops up when you hover your mouse over an image. Alt text, or alternative text, is written into the HTML code of a web page to describe an image in case the image doesn‚t show. This can happen for a few different reasons. Some users may have images turned off, so web pages load faster. Other users may have low vision or blindness, so they use unique screen readers that translate web page text into an audio or a Braille-like touch format. Alt text also helps search engines “understand” images better. This is a critical aspect of the digital ecosystem, and it takes practice to write meaningful alt text.


Alt text describes the image in a short and crisp way. For example, there is an image of a girl sitting on a chair in a park. Alt text for it will say -Close-up of a girl sitting on a chair in a park.

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