Mukesh K. Singhmar

Mukesh K. Singhmar / November 27, 2022

10 Must-Have Chrome Extensions For SEO

chrome extensions for seo


Have you ever been working on a project and suddenly realized that you’re missing a key component? Well, that’s how we feel about SEO sometimes. There are so many little pieces to the puzzle, and it’s easy to overlook something important. But never fear – we’ve got your back!

In this article, we’ll list 10 Chrome extensions that we think are essential for any SEO effort. We’ll explain what each extension does and how it can help you improve your website’s search engine rankings. So if you’re serious about SEO, make sure to download these 10 extensions!

What are Chrome extensions and how do they work? 

If you’re the type of person who can’t go ten minutes without checking Facebook, you might want to consider downloading a Chrome extension. Chrome extensions are small programs that can be added to the Google Chrome web browser in order to customize it for individual needs. There are extensions for everything from social media to weather reports, and they’re all really easy to install. Just head on over to the Chrome Web Store, find the extension you want, and click “Add to Chrome.” 

Once you add that, you’ll see an icon for it on your toolbar, and you can click on it whenever you want to use it. So why not give some extensions a try? They might just make your life a little bit easier.

Chrome extensions are small programs that you can install on Chrome browsers to add extra functionality. Third-party developers write them, and there are thousands of them available to download on the Chrome Web Store.

Why use Chrome extensions for SEO purposes? 

As a web surfer, you’re probably familiar with the ever-present Google Chrome browser. What you may not know is that Chrome extensions can be used for much more than browsing the internet. In fact, they can be a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their search engine optimization (SEO). Here are just a few of the ways in which Chrome extensions can help with SEO: 

First, extensions can help you quickly and easily find relevant keywords. Simply install a keyword research extension, such as Keywords Everywhere, and start your search. The extension will then provide you with a list of related keywords, as well as data on search volume and competition level. This information can be invaluable when it comes to crafting effective SEO campaigns.

Second, extensions can help you to track your progress over time. Install an extension like SERPWatcher, and you’ll be able to see how your ranking changes for specific keywords. This data can help you to fine-tune your approach and ensure that your SEO efforts are paying off.

Finally, extensions can make it easy to share your content with others. Install an extension like Shareaholic, and you’ll be able to share your web pages and blog posts with just a few clicks. This is a great way to get more eyes on your content and build up some valuable backlinks.

So there you have it -three good reasons to start using Chrome extensions for SEO purposes. With the right extension installed, you’ll be well on your way to improving your ranking and driving more traffic to your website.


10 must-have Chrome extensions for SEO 

SEO can be a tough nut to crack. There’s a lot to keep track of, and it you can easily get lost in the weeds. That’s why it’s important to have a good toolkit at your disposal. And when it comes to tools- Chrome is king. In this article, we’ll share 10 must-have Chrome extensions for SEO. From keyword research to site auditing, these extensions will help you streamline your workflow and boost your SEO game.

1. SEOquake

This extension provides instant access to crucial SEO metrics for any website. Just enter a URL into the search bar and SEOquake will provide information on things like keyword density, backlinks, and social shares.

2. MozBar

The MozBar extension gives you quick access to key SEO metrics right from your browser toolbar. It’s perfect for quickly checking things like PageRank and domain authority.

3. Link Miner

This extension helps you find broken links on any website. Just enter a URL and Link Miner will show you all the broken links on that page. You can then export the results as a CSV file so you can fix the links easily.

4. Check My Links

Another great tool for finding broken links, Check My Links crawls through an entire website and highlights any broken links it finds. You can then export the results as a CSV file.

5. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

This desktop application is a powerhouse when it comes to website analysis. It can crawl through hundreds or even thousands of pages in just a few minutes, providing detailed information on title tags, meta descriptions, and anchor text.

6. Google Pagespeed Insights

This extension lets you quickly check the speed of your website pages using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. Just enter a URL and you’ll get a report with recommendations on how to improve your page speed.

seo page insights

7. Varvy SEO Tool

The Varvy SEO Tool is an all-in-one SEO tool that gives you comprehensive information on your website’s SEO performance. Just enter a URL and you’ll get a report with recommendations on how to improve your SEO game across different aspects like technical optimization, content optimization, link building, etc.

8. BuiltWith Technology Profiler

This extension tells you what technology a website is built with just by entering a URL into the search bar. Knowing what technology a website is built with can help you in understanding its capabilities and limitations and formulating an effective digital marketing strategy for that site. For example, if you know a website is built with WordPress, then you know it might be easier to rank for certain keywords because WordPress websites are generally well-optimized for search engines out of the box.

Conversely, if you know a website is built with Shopify, then you know that ranking for certain eCommerce keywords might be more difficult because Shopify websites are not as well-optimized for search engines as WordPress websites are. In any case, BuiltWith Technology Profiler can give you valuable insights into any website’s technology stack.

9. Woorank

Woorank provides users with over 50 comprehensive website audits per month including an analysis of competitor websites. Its audits are generated using over 200 ranking factors including things like Meta titles & descriptions, H1 tags, image alt tags, etc. which makes it an indispensable tool for serious SEOs who want to stay ahead of the competition.

10. Redirect Path

This extension allows users to see the redirect path of any URL they enter into their browser. This is important because redirects can often cause issues with search engine indexing, which can hurt your rankings, so being able to identify them quickly and fix them accordingly is crucial. Redirect Path is available free from the Chrome Web Store.

SEO can be complex but these 10 Chrome extensions will help make your job easier. By streamlining your workflow and giving you quick access to important data and insights, they’ll help you boost your SEO game and leave your competition in the dust.

How to install Chrome extensions

If you’re looking to add a little extra functionality to your web browsing, installing extensions can be a great way to do it. And if you’re using Chrome, the process is pretty straightforward. Just head to the Chrome Web Store and find the extension you want. Once you’ve found it, click “Add to Chrome” and follow the prompts. That’s really all there is to it.

Now, depending on the extension you’ve installed, you may see a new icon appear in your toolbar. Or, you may not see any visible changes at all. But in either case, you can be confident that your extension is up and running and ready to go. So what are you waiting for? Start browsing the store and see what kinds of extensions are out there. You might be surprised at what you find.

additional tips for seo

Additional tips and tricks for using Chrome extensions for SEO

When it comes to SEO, Chrome extensions can be a valuable tool. Here are a few additional tips and tricks for using Chrome extensions for SEO:

1. Always keep your extensions up-to-date. Many of the extensions listed above are regularly updated with new features and functionality. Make sure you’re always taking advantage of the latest and greatest features!

2. Use multiple extensions for maximum coverage. There’s no need to limit yourself to just one or two Chrome SEO extensions – use as many as you need to get the job done!

3. Take advantage of the Chrome Web Store. The Chrome Web Store is full of great SEO extensions that can help you with everything from link building to competitor analysis. Do some digging and find the extensions that work best for you!


Chrome extensions are a great way to improve your SEO and overall online experience. We’ve shared our top 10 favorites, but there are many more out there that can help you get the most from your search engine optimization efforts. So what are you waiting for? Start browsing and installing today! Do you have any favorite Chrome extensions that we missed? Let us know in the comments below.

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