Sheena Rijwani

Sheena Rijwani / November 03, 2022

Awesome CTAs That Will Increase Conversions

CTAs to improve conversions

Most people know that they need to take action if they want to achieve their goals, but many don’t know how to take the right kind of action. Conversion is the ultimate aim of all marketing copy, whether it’s encouraging sales, subscriptions, downloads, or free trial signups. While persuasive language and alluring offers will work, strong call-to-actions (CTAs) are necessary to close the transaction. 

In order to increase your chances of success, you need to use effective call-to-action buttons on your website. These buttons will help guide your visitors toward the next step in their journey and will help you convert more leads into customers. Check out these awesome CTAs that will help you in motivating your audience to take real steps toward becoming your clients!

1. Use action words in your CTA buttons

When creating your call-to-action buttons, be sure to use action words that will compel your visitors to take the desired action. Some great examples of action words include: “start,” “click here,” “download now,” and “join today.” These buttons are easy to see and understand, and they provide a clear directive for your visitors. By using these action-oriented CTAs, you can increase your conversion rate and achieve your business goals.

2. Make your CTA stand out on the page

When creating your call-to-action buttons, be sure to make them stand out on the page. This means using a contrasting color that will make them stand out against the background, and making them large enough so that they are easily visible. You may also want to use animation or motion effects to draw attention to your CTA buttons. By making your CTAs stand out, you can ensure that more of your visitors will see and click on them.

3. Use positive reinforcement in your CTA buttons

Many people are hesitant to take action because they’re afraid of making a mistake. You can overcome this hesitation by using positive reinforcement in your CTA buttons. This means giving your visitors a sense of assurance that they are making the right decision by taking action. Some great ways to do this include using phrases such as “you’re almost there” or “thank you for subscribing.” By using positive reinforcement in your CTAs, you can help build trust with your visitors and increase your conversion rate.

4. Place your CTA above the fold

When creating your call-to-action buttons, be sure to place them above the fold. This means putting them at the top of the page, where they will be easily visible to your visitors. You may also want to use a popup or modal window to ensure that your CTA is the first thing that your visitors see. By placing your CTAs above the fold, you can ensure that more of your visitors will see and click on them.

5. Use social proof to increase confidence

If you’ve ever been undecided about whether to buy a product or not, you’ve probably looked to reviews or testimonials from other people to help you make up your mind. This phenomenon is known as social proof, and it can be a powerful tool for increasing confidence and driving conversions. CTAs that are endorsed by satisfied customers are more likely to be clicked on, and positive reviews can encourage people to buy a product they might otherwise have been hesitant about. When creating your call-to-action buttons, be sure to use social proof to increase confidence. This means showing your visitors that other people have taken action and achieved success. Some great ways to do this include using testimonials, case studies, and social media icons. By using social proof in your CTAs, you can help build trust with your visitors and increase your conversion rate.

6. Test different CTAs to see what works best

It can be helpful to test different CTAs to see what works best for your website. Try using different words, colors, and placement to see which combination results in the highest conversion rate. You may also want to test different types of social proof to see which has the greatest impact on your visitors. By A/B testing different CTAs, you can identify which ones are most likely to increase conversions. And while it may take some time to set up the tests, the results can be well worth the effort. 

7. Give your readers a reason to take action

In order to increase conversions, you need to give your readers a reason to take action. What is it that you want them to do? Sign up for your email list? Download a free ebook? Make a purchase? By providing clear and concise instructions, you can make it easy for your readers to know what they need to do in order to receive the benefits that you are offering. CTAs are an essential part of any website or marketing campaign, so be sure to use buttons that are eye-catching and easy to understand.

8. Use strong, benefit-driven language

When creating your call-to-action buttons, be sure to use strong, benefit-driven language. This means using phrases that communicate the benefits of taking action. Some great examples include “get more leads,” “improve your SEO,” and “save time.” By using strong, benefit-driven language in your CTAs, you can inspire your visitors to take action and achieve their goals.

9. Appeal to people’s emotions

When creating your call-to-action buttons, be sure to appeal to people’s emotions. This means using phrases that evoke feelings of excitement, joy, or happiness. Some great examples include “start your day with a smile,” “enjoy the journey,” and “be fearless.” By using emotionally-charged language in your CTAs, you can inspire your visitors to take action and achieve their goals.

10. Keep them updated and fresh

When it comes to CTAs, keeping them updated and fresh is key to increasing conversions. If you always use the same button text or design, your visitors will quickly become desensitized to it and it will lose its impact. Try experimenting with different colors, fonts, and wording to see what works best for your audience. You may also want to change the CTA depending on the page it’s on – for example, a “Sign Up” button might work better on a landing page than a “Buy Now” button. Keep your CTAs fresh and engaging, and you’ll see a boost in conversions!

11. Keep it simple

When it comes to CTAs, keeping it simple is key to increasing conversions. If you make your buttons too complex or confusing, your visitors will be less likely to click on them. Try using clear and concise wording, and keep the design of your buttons simple and uncluttered. This will make them easier to see and understand, and more likely to be clicked on. CTAs that are too long or confusing tend to get ignored, so make sure your CTAs are easy to understand and direct. Additionally, try to minimize the number of steps required to complete a conversion – the fewer steps, the better. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website is as user-friendly as possible, which will go a long way toward increasing conversions.

12. Use color to draw attention to your CTA

When it comes to call-to-action buttons, using color is a great way to draw attention to them and increase conversions. By using a color that stands out from the surrounding text and images, you can make your buttons more visible and likely to be clicked on. Some great colors to use for CTAs are blue, green, and orange – these colors are often associated with excitement and happiness, which can encourage your visitors to take action.


By using an effective call-to-action button, you can increase conversions on your website. CTAs are an essential part of any website or marketing campaign, so be sure to use buttons that are eye-catching and easy to understand. Appeal to people’s emotions when creating your CTAs, and keep them updated and fresh. Keep it simple when creating your buttons, and use color to draw attention to them. By following these tips, you can create a user-friendly experience that encourages visitors to take the next step in their journey with you.

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