Sheena Rijwani

Sheena Rijwani / May 13, 2023

How B2B Marketers Can Avoid the Bane of Boring Content

It’s easy to fall into the trap of writing content that is mundane, dull, and uninteresting. For marketers, especially those in the B2B space, it can be a challenge to keep their audience engaged and interested in what they have to say.

However, with the right approach and creativity, you can create content that resonates with your target audience and helps you reach your goals. In this blog, we’ll discuss in detail how B2B marketers can avoid the bane of boring content and keep their audience engaged. 

Crafting engaging B2B content that stands out from the rest

Creating engaging content for B2B audiences can often feel like an uphill battle. After all, business owners are busy professionals with little time or patience to wade through boring articles or long-winded videos.

To reach these savvy business professionals and help them make informed decisions about their products or services, you need to create compelling content that speaks directly to their needs and interests. By experimenting with different types of content and embracing visuals, you can capture attention and generate leads for your business. 

Need to experiment with the content

To break away from boring copywriting that no one wants to read, it pays to experiment with different forms of content, such as infographics, podcasts, webinars, and case studies. In addition to giving readers more ways to engage with your message, diversifying your content will give you more opportunities to talk about various topics related to your industry and showcase your knowledge and expertise on a subject. Ultimately this will help establish trust between yourself and customers, leading them back for more information or even converting into sales!

Make sure your content has a purpose by asking yourself, “What am I trying to accomplish with this piece of content?”

When creating any kind of content, it’s important that you have a clear goal in mind so that everything else flows naturally from there. Think about what information you want readers/potential customers to know after consuming your work – do you want them to learn something new? Introduce them to a product? Showcase an expert opinion on a topic. Answering this question before beginning any project helps ensure that whatever final form it takes is relevant and valuable instead of just being filler material. Having a clear goal in mind will help create relevant content that resonates with the audience. For example, content can be designed to inform, educate or entertain, depending on the target audience.

Write creative headlines that intrigue and engage readers

The headline is arguably the most essential part of any article because readers won’t bother clicking through if it’s not catchy enough. It is the first thing readers see and needs to be creative and engaging. It should provide a glimpse of what’s inside and grab the reader’s attention. Try to think outside the box and avoid generic titles.  Spend some time thinking up creative titles for each piece of work – puns or alliteration in headlines can add further appeal while keeping things professional (e.g.: “Making The Most Of Your Marketing Mix”). Additionally, adding questions/statements at the beginning of headlines also works (e.g., “Are You Ready For A Revolution In Digital Marketing?”) as they draw attention instantly while providing potential answers within the article.

Embrace Visuals – Use visuals like images, videos, and infographics for added appeal

Adding visuals like pictures/gifs/infographics etc. makes otherwise text-heavy articles easier on the eye plus gives readers more options when it comes to accessing information quickly across devices – whether they’re reading through on a desktop or scrolling past on mobile devices. Using images, videos, and infographics can break up large chunks of text and make your content more visually appealing. Visuals also make your content more shareable, increasing your reach and engagement. Try introducing graphics wherever possible – adding screenshots/photos alongside instructions inside tutorials or embedding short video clips alongside quotes. Visual aids often help bring ideas alive better than words alone ever could so don’t be afraid to incorporate them into all kinds of pieces.

Mix it up – don’t be afraid to experiment with different formats like webinars, podcasts, and case studies

Don’t limit yourself only to blog posts—plenty of other platforms are ripe for exploration too. Please use different mediums like hosting webinars & LinkedIn Live sessions, podcasting shows, creating interactive quizzes, producing case studies/research papers, etc., so readers get something new every time they visit. Various formats will keep the audience engaged and prevent them from becoming bored with your content. B2B marketers should try to provide a balance between the different formats they use, based on the audience’s preferences. Not only does this freshen things up, but it encourages customers to come back again & again looking for what’s next! 

Be topical – keep up with industry trends and news stories to inform your content

Monitoring trends & staying ahead of the latest news gives marketers an edge when creating exclusive pieces – hot topics gain huge traction in short timespans, so use data-driven insights derived from competitor activities & current happenings to draw reader interest faster than ever. By staying on top of industry news, you can provide insights and opinions that your audience will find valuable. This also helps confirm credibility among peers & improve relationships between businesses & customers who appreciate knowing their provider keeps tabs on what else might affect their decisions regarding purchases/upgrades, etc.

Give Your Content a Personality – Use playful language, humor, and witty quotes that appeal to your target audience

B2B content doesn’t have to be dry and dull. Injecting personality into your content can help you connect with your audience and keep them engaged. Tone elements play massive roles when communicating messages effectively through the written word — light-hearted language, jokes & sarcasm convey intentions effectively as humor often helps people quickly digest large chunks of information. Humor also tends to have a ‘stickier’ effect, so when readers are presented with stories that make them smile/chuckle, they’re more likely to remember information better. Plus, adding elements of personality makes it easier for customers to relate to and trust what is being presented to them.


To keep readers engaged, write shorter sentences that are easier to digest

One common mistake in B2B content writing is using overly long sentences or excessively complicated words, which can quickly lose the reader’s attention. To ensure clarity and engagement, break down more prominent topics into smaller ones and focus on using simple language everyone can understand. Use active voice rather than passive wherever necessary, as this also gives your writing a sense of immediacy, making it more engaging. Lastly, avoid excessive use of jargon/slang as there’re bound to be people who haven’t come across these terms often – plus, they could end up completely missing out on an article altogether if it’s written entirely in tech-speak! This will help to break down complex information into digestible pieces of information that are easy to understand.

Take Risks – Experiment with new approaches like storytelling to your content to make complex topics interesting

Change up your approach by finding exciting ways to present the same old ideas (stories work amazingly here). Or you could switch over topics by incorporating visuals such as images or videos whenever possible — this adds extra layers/dimension and helps keep readers entertained as time passes along faster when watching something move versus reading through hundreds of lines of text. Additionally, you don’t even have to stick to traditional formats all the time — think outside the box & try creating fun pieces that contain snippets from humorous conversations or funny quotes from movies, etc.; applying structure surprises across articles maintains freshness & keeps readers looking forward to upcoming posts!

Make It Interactive – Ask questions in the content and invite readers to share their thoughts or experiences

Asking questions in the content and inviting readers to share their thoughts or experiences can help create a conversation with the audience. To keep user interaction high, especially during blog posts/articles, pepper relevant places where you can ask questions — open-ended prompts give customers the liberty to express their views while helping draw further attention away from mundane parts, too! Likewise, comment sections also provide great ways to gauge how the public received an entry immediately after its release (plus, who doesn’t love interacting with others?) B2B marketers should also aim to make their content interactive by including polls, quizzes, and surveys. This makes the content more engaging and provides valuable insights into the audience’s preferences and interests.

Be Consistent – Develop a style guide so that all of your content is consistent and recognizable

Developing style guides helps maintain uniformity in the appearance/tone of content produced internally (& externally) and provide another layer of brand recognition that projects a sense of familiarity among viewers. Developing a style guide for your content can ensure that all of your content is consistent and recognizable. This includes using a consistent tone, style, and visual elements across all formats. Consistency can help to build trust with your audience and establish your brand as a thought leader in the industry.

It not only makes it easier for creators to craft work but also feasible for consumers to follow context and recognize writings coming from a particular provider without having read the author’s name beforehand! Well-established guidelines regarding length and structure format contribute majorly to creating distinct ‘visual identities’ that exclusive companies wish to remain consistent through the years. 


To keep up with modern demands, B2B marketers need to stay ahead game by experimenting with diverse forms of content creation; assessing goals beforehand; crafting catchy titles; embracing visuals; mixing things up; staying topical; giving pieces personalities; keeping things short & sweet; taking risks; interacting users effectively & remaining consistent with own created standards — all addressed herein tips collectively help create engaging articles earn faithful followers potentially convert into leads eventually!

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