What is a Search Engine Results Page (SERP)?

The page that a search engine returns after a user submits a search query. In addition to organic search results, search engine results pages (SERPs) usually include paid search and pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Thanks to search engine optimization (SEO), ranking positions on a SERP can be highly competitive since users are likely to click on results at the top of the page. With the launch of schema markup, SERPs are becoming much more complex in anticipating user needs.


Suppose a user searches for “best smartphone” on Google. The SERP for this query may include the following elements:

  1. Organic Search Results: The main section of the SERP displays organic search results, which are web pages ranked by Google’s algorithm based on their relevance to the user’s query. These results may include links to articles, reviews, product listings, and other relevant smartphone content.
  2. Paid Advertisements: Above or below the organic search results, there may be paid advertisements (Google Ads) related to smartphones. These ads are marked with an “Ad” label and are typically displayed prominently on the SERP.
  3. Featured Snippets: Google may display a featured snippet at the top of the SERP, providing a concise summary of information extracted from one of the top-ranking web pages. For example, a featured snippet might list the top-rated smartphones according to a reputable review website.
  4. Knowledge Panel: On the right-hand side of the SERP, Google may display a knowledge panel containing information about smartphones, such as specifications, prices, user ratings, and related products. This knowledge panel is sourced from Google’s Knowledge Graph and provides users with quick access to relevant information without clicking on search results.
  5. Other Search Features: Depending on the user’s query, Google may include other search features in the SERP, such as image carousels, video thumbnails, news articles, local pack (map), and more. For example, if the user searches for “latest smartphone news,” the SERP may include a carousel of recent news articles about smartphones.

Overall, the SERP provides users with various search results and features to help them find relevant information, products, or services related to their query.

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